Reincarnation Paradise Reincarnation Paradise
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© TranslatinOtaku

R.P Chapter 1: The Avenger


During the night inside a second-tiered city, the traffic on the street was somewhat annoying while youths were enjoying their time.

Su Xiao sat on top of the roof of a cottage’s second floor while cold breeze blew by.

He wore a large black hood to hide his body in the darkness of the night.

This kind of clothes during the summer, even at night, will still make you feel sultry, but comparing it with his experiences, it was easy to endure. Now he has already waited for two hours here.

At Su Xiao’s age, he’s supposed to have sweet college life, but he was learning some other knowledge such as human anatomy, combat skills, pick-locking and so on, only because of the hatred in his heart.

The long wait continued.

Suddenly, a black luxury car slowly drove into the cottage’s courtyard, as Su Xiao heard the car’s engine faintly, the door opened, and a drunk middle-aged man walked out of the luxury car.

He was drunk, his footstep seemed a bit tenuous.

Su Xiao who is at the top of the cottage took the sword beside him, it was long sword with a black blade which made it hard to detect during the night.

Jumping from the top of the five-meter-high roof, Su Xiao’s arms grabbed on a steel pipe coming out of the cottage to lower the speed of his fall.

Arriving at the ground smoothly, Su Xiao stood in front of his enemy. Without saying any nonsense, the long sword held in Su Xiao’s hand cut through the air with a horrible sound, as he slashed his enemy’s throat. Blood spurted out. Though Su Xiao tried to avoid it, his shirt and the back of his hand were still splashed with blood.

The drunk enemy didn’t realized what’s going on, as he fell to the ground.

He was already dying. Su Xiao immediately ran out into a less a street slightly crowded. He as he looked up, he saw the security guard in front of him.

Though he just killed someone, he didn’t run away. He hid himself pretty well, and it would be hard to recognize him.

In the next moment, he felt cold, and his hair stood straight. The security guard took a gun from his wrist, it was a long black pistol. The gun was equipped with a silencer.

How can a security guard have a gun? Still Su Xiao had no time to think about it this.

the cottage behind him while while the  security guard was roughly 20 meters ahead of him. If he chooses to run, the evidence of his murder would be revealed and he will become a living target.

Su Xiao chose to solve the danger instead of running. Thus, he moved forward to the man in an Z-shaped path to avoid being shot.

Pew! Pew!

The gun only made two slight sounds.

Su Xiao just felt weird when he only ran about 5 meters, then he felt pain on his chest. He knew he was shot, though he was seeking revenge, he has never been shot before.

A powerless feeling spreads in his body, Su Xiao didn’t have any fear, but he was a bit unwilling.

Because he will die without taking his revenge, especially since he was killed by an anonymous enemy, which was a slap in his face.

So he exhausted the last efforts to throw the long sword which was held in his hand.

This sword basically did what he aimed for, as if the gods seemed to perceive Su Xiao’s unfair experiences. After the sword spun several times quickly in the air, it miraculously penetrates into the security guard’s chest.

Su Xiao lied down on the ground with a smile. Since he put neurotoxin on the sword, the security guard will definitely die.

After his head hit the ground, Su Xiao’s conscious started to blur, and his vision turned black.

Su Xiao roughly heard something before losing consciousness.

“Hunter, “Reincarnation Paradise” is open for you.”

{Body transfer}

{10%, 50%, 100%, the transmission was completed, Hunter’s body is hurt, waiting for recovery}

{The Hunter’s consciousness didn’t awaken, postponed the direction for recovery, and maintained the lowest living situation. the time it can be maintained is 10 minutes.}

{Drip… Hunter’s pecial ability found. the survival time is added by two hours.}

Some pale blue text floated in the air in the darkness, under those light blue words, Su Xiao was covered in blood and hovered in the air.

His fingers twitched, and Su Xiao gradually woke up, after waking up, he seemed a bit stunned, but after remembering everything, he wanted to stand up immediately.

But pain invaded his body as he almost lost consciousness again.

He struggled to sit down. He glanced around the environment. He could only percieve darkness and a few blue words floating in front of him.

{Hunter, welcome to“The Reincarnation Paradise”}

Text appeared in front of Su Xiao, but he didn’t look at the sentence and began to check his injuries.

His calf was broken, the flesh on his wounds were rolled up and even a finger can get inside.

Su Xiao only frowned, he already wtinessed scenes much worse in his life.

His chest injury was the most severe injury he had, but the wound was no longer bleeding.

“I’m not dead?”

He touched his chest, and felt his heart beating .

{Hunter, you are not dead, would you like to join “Reincarnation Paradise”, you can have anything you wan’t there.}

Su Xiao had already noticed those weird words, but he didn’t react. He was caution with everything he didn’t know.

The current situtation was weird. His injuries were fatal and he should be dead. Instead here he is, somewhere dark with numbers make of blood ticking down.

{1:35:10} , {1:35:9}….

One hour and thirty-five minutes and nine seconds. If Su Xiao’s feelings were right, then these number meant only one thing.

He felt that as soon as the counter hit zero, he is dead.

{Hunter, please communicate with “Reincarnation Paradise” as soon as possible for making a contract. Otherwise, you will die after one hour and thirty-five minutes.}

Those numbers did present the time which he can stay alive, Su Xiao had speculated it because the injuries he got were too grave, and he was supposed to die.

“My sword?”

Su Xiao didn’t care about any “contract” or “Reincarnation Paradise”, but asked for his sword which was the only memory that his parents gave him a military sword from his grand grandfather inherited to his generation.

{The property from reality cannot be brought into “Reincarnation Paradise”, please make the contract as soon as possible.}

Su Xiao didn’t speak as the pale blue text kept flashing.

It kept referring to him as Hunter and he didn’t know what it meant.

“Contract? So what should I give you, and what can I get from it?”

The survival time was going down gradually. Su Xiao didn’t have too much time to waste.

He felt that meeting some “supernatural things” may influence his emotions.

Su Xiao needed power for revenge, and “supernatural” things may come with huge risk and extraordinary power at the same time.

{Signing the contract, you will go around the derivative planes to accomplish missions from Reincarnation Paradise, acquiring “source of the world”, we will measure how much “source of the world” you got before deciding whether we give out your reward or not.}

{“Reincarnation Paradise can do everything”}


A bunch of words appeared and Su Xiao read them carefully.

“can you do everything? Can you revive dead people?”

All light blue texts were static in the air suddenly and then disappeared.

{With your identity as a Hunter, no.}


So, Hi everyone new!! I’m the new translator of this novel!!
I apologize for the quality!! I’m now trying to actually go over the chapters and edit as much as I can!!
Anyway, Enjoy the story and I’m waiting for your comments and support!!
